Hi all, first post on here...
I've joined up with the MCFC outside Enniscorthy to learn how to fly my Art Tech C182 after crashing the first one!
I've also been up Mt Leinster with Big Keith having fun on his Zagi, so I've been trying to procure one of those. Unfortunately, the manufacturer has had a stroke, so there's no solid lead time on those.
In place of that, I had ordered the last Multiplex Xeno from out of England. unfortunately it now seems it was miscoded in the warehouse and there
isn't a Xeno for me.
Both of these were to be powered to enable me to crash at a higher velocity when not slope soaring despite Keith's outlook regarding props
So, I need a wing before July (I'm off for the whole month) so I can learn how to perform excellent landings after soaring the slopes - I can land ok, I just can't reuse the plane.
Can anyone recommend a good crashable wing that will take a pusher that doesn't break the bank. Second hand is fine!