Gliders > PSS

Macon 2023

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God, forgot to share about that one!!

So last year, as usual, trip to the Macon PSS event, and as usual, had nothing prepared  ;D ;D

Another great year! The flying conditions were challenging at time, but that's slope soaring (otherwise, we get bored! :) )

Anyway, you should have been there!

So, what is Macon? Macon is first and foremost, Friends, and food and drinks (lots of it :) )

Macon, it's also lots of models!

3 competitions:

PSS (the main event)
Scale Gliders
Thermal Duration

Of course, for me, this year highlight was to see the 2 B29 at the slope (no flying, even if that was really really tempting!)

More models!

AAaahh the B29! I was supposed to "fly" the Bell X1 if we managed to launch them. Thanks God we did not!  ;D ;D

And also, good to see lots of Quarks, definitively a favorite!

Macon is also dangerous!

A modeler hurt his ankle I believe going down the slope trying to retrieve a glider. In fairness, going into the "buis" is an adventure in itself! Not recommended unless you are extra careful.

Anyway, all was good at the end, we just could not hear him calling for help! so took about 30 minutes before someone noticed he was missing. Flying stopped for about 2 hours, the time for the firemen to get the guy up safely and brought to hospital.

Macon is also beautiful. A beautiful place to stay (and warm!)

The slope overlook the famous "Roche de Solutré"


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