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T-Shirt Design Competition!!!! Win a FREE T-Shirt.

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Hi All,

I have decided to run a competition, just come up with an idea/slogan to go onto a t-shirt. The winning entry will recieve a FREE T-shirt with the design. :D

All welcome to have a go. Here is an idea to get it going.

Entry closes Friday 22nd May @ 12pm. Winner announced later that day.  :)  

Good Luck,


p.s. If you want to purchase the winning design for yourself on a T-Shirt or any other entries including your own, details and pricing will be announced after the winning entry is picked. I will offer a reduced price for all ISR members.

Polo Shirts / Caps / Jackets / Fleeces / Hoodies will also be offered in future competitions.

Very good Anthony !  :D  :D  Count me in !

Can you post a blank design for us to use ?


Here is a blank templete for everyone to use if they prefer.

By the way the design can go either on the back or front of the t-shirt, your choice.


Cool thanks !

Here is mine :

In BIG, front and back, to make sure everybody get the message  :mrgreen:

Cool idea.

I belive it as to be RC flying related but what about the colors?
Should we limit it to 1?


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