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WazEco short kit (availability)


Looks like this forum is a quicker way to contact IM. So, here is my question:

--- Quote ---I wonder if WasabiEco wing kit is available yet ?

Also would be great if you have some balsa sheets to complete the wing and tail plane (or is it already included to this kit) ?

--- End quote ---


Hiya Denis.
Just got the email you sent yesterday evening. Have been out all morning.
Yes the wing/tail kit is available. The sheeting for the tail and ailerons is included but not the rest of the wings. I may have some of the rods and tubes left. We need to reorder fuselages, joiners and balsa before we can offer the complete kit again.
Baudis Model ( now produce the all molded version and can supply a fuselage only.


Happy Days:
A Wasabi :shock:  Getting a bit ambitious aren't we Dennis? :clap:

Are you going to put red stars all over it :D



--- Quote from: "joe" ---
Yes the wing/tail kit is available. The sheeting for the tail and ailerons is included but not the rest of the wings.
--- End quote ---

Cool! how can get one (the short kit) ?

The Plan is to build a "budget version" of WazEco with fuz of 6mm depron (yes, I still have lots of it).

--- Quote from: "Happy Days" ---
Are you going to put red stars all over it :D

--- End quote ---

Yes, all over :)

Hiya Denis.
I will email you later about the WazEco.


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