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Nostalgia - My first tow plane !

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Look what I've found !
Photos of my first tow plane. And the second one from my old club.
God this little beast towed more planes than I can remember !  :D

Getting old...  :roll:

Nice looking planes.

Is the first one from Flair?

Thanks !
Photos are at least 10 years old  :?:
The first one, is a "Burda" piper, very old kit from Graupner. Kit must have at least 20 years old.
Can't remember how I get my hands on it.
Was a very good horse !
Another shot :

I ask this because a friend gave me a kit for build, well actually was started already for a glow powered plane.
And at first it looked just like that one, it's from flair. And he had it for very long time...

Thats the model:

My idea was to convert it finish of course, but to convert it to electric.

Yeah they look quiet similar.

Mine was originaly blue and white, well, with the Burda scheme.
That was a German aerobatic display team on modified Piper  :shock:
The Graupner Burda Piper was modified like the real ones.
On it's second life, I change it to the white scheme you see on the photos, without the wheel pants.

Not mine, but the same !


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