GliderIreland - Ireland RC Forum - Flying Model forum in Ireland

Gliders => Slope Soaring => Topic started by: Happy Days on April 04, 2013, 15:08:16 PM

Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Happy Days on April 04, 2013, 15:08:16 PM
If you play with fire, you’re bound to get burnt.

The winds on the north slope of the Big L were quite strong today. There was masses of lift of course and to stop the P6 from bouncing around so much I’d loaded it up with some lead blocks of ballast. (probably about 60% of its normal AUW in ballast.)

I was really enjoying myself, flying fast and furious. Eventually the P6 was flying inverted maybe 50 to 100 feet above me. I pulled back on the elevator a little, she went into a dive. As she got closer to the ground I pulled back harder on the stick. She levelled out and shot over the grass at the top of the slope by the car park about 3feet off the ground. I thought I’d fly her along the side of the hill. (flying towards Carlow) Her left wing tip skimmed past the side of the hill and there was a mini explosion of little pieces of wood, :shock: …. and I couldn’t see my plane anymore. :(

This was the second Phase 6 I’ve owned, and she had racked up a total of 89hours and 18minutes of flying time. Let’s see now,……if we assume an average speed of 40mph for 89 hours that’s a total distance of 3560 miles flown. Phew! I certainly got my moneys worth out of her. 8)


Fortunately I have another plane being built on the work bench. Here’s a little preview. Can anyone guess what it is? :?:

I told you it was only a little preview didn’t I! :P

Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: rogallo on April 04, 2013, 15:58:59 PM
Looks repairable, remember the motto "keep all the bits"  :D
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: rogallo on April 04, 2013, 15:59:37 PM
ooopppps I mean I am sorry for your loss   :(
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Happy Days on April 04, 2013, 22:23:50 PM
Yeah Ralph, it probably is repairable although I haven‘t got all the little pieces, they were scattered over quite a large area. So trying to get sheared breakages to fit back together fully, and getting the fuse straight again would take a lot of fiddling,  There comes a point, as you know, when you repair repairs that were themselves repaired. And this model has had a lot of repairs over the years!
I guess I should treat my toys with more respect really. (But it’s such FUN. :D )

(Yes, I know I spelt “snapped” wrongly in the picture. I’m not very good at writing with a mouse! :oops: )
Okay, I’m not very good at flying either! (Thought I’d say that before someone else did :roll: )
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Keith on April 05, 2013, 03:43:16 AM
Hi keith
It was due to retire soon anyway :-)
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Fred on April 05, 2013, 11:32:12 AM
Sad ending Keith  :(

Maybe we should give it a decent funeral at the slope...
Did I say light up the BBQ?  :mrgreen:

And then put the ashes in the wind (they might end up in the trees...  :lol: )
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Happy Days on April 05, 2013, 12:26:37 PM
:lol:  :lol:  :clap:

That’s actually quite funny Fred. It made me chuckle!  :clap: (You rotten sod. :evil: )

K. :D
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Keith on April 05, 2013, 13:45:40 PM
It might put the pressure on to finish your new one now :-)
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Happy Days on April 05, 2013, 16:29:11 PM
Yes Keith, I’m definitely under pressure now! :!:

 I’ll have to decided on a colour scheme for it as well. Hmmmmm :?:   maybe....shocking PINK? :D

Little Keith.
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Keith on April 05, 2013, 18:53:44 PM
Ha ha ha pink would be shocking :-)
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: bren.p on April 07, 2013, 13:34:30 PM
Sorry to hear about ur P6 Keith I  think we all know that feeling.

Remember what I told you Keith gentle on the sticks wait til l you ..get  more :wink:
Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Happy Days on April 07, 2013, 20:15:20 PM
Yes Brendan, we all need more experience. It’s one of those things you can never have too much of. It’s just that some of us need it more than others :lol:

The new P6 is gradually taking shape. I’ll try s few different mods with this one. See if it improves it's flight performance. Probably not, but if I don't try I'll never find out. :)

Title: The end of a beautiful friendship.
Post by: Richard Boyd on April 11, 2013, 07:03:46 AM
Poor Keith  :clap: