GliderIreland - Ireland RC Forum - Flying Model forum in Ireland

Gliders => Slope Soaring => Topic started by: Fred on April 05, 2013, 12:06:16 PM

Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Fred on April 05, 2013, 12:06:16 PM
About 2 or 3 times a month, a receive requests, mainly from teachers, to build a glider with student. Each time, they go for one of the scale glider, or the Quark, and each time, I have to tell them that they are not suited for what they are trying to do, and send them to ARF models etc.

Recently, my "middle" daughter have a big interest in all things flying, and spend hours throwing free flight gliders pretty much everywhere (she is 4...  :D )

So, that make me thinking, and I have designed a beginner's glider, very easy to build, cheap, and that will hopefully fly great! (answer on that next week end!)

The plan was to design something relatively robust, very easy to build with kids, with the minimum tools and materials.

First the 3 views of the beast:


And the plan, with all the details needed to build the glider:


Wingspan is 1.2m
2 Channel radio (elevator / rudder)
All wood construction. You need 5 sheets of balsa, a few balsa strips, and a small piece of plywood. Cannot go simpler than that!  :D

I'm not going to put photos of the build here, as this is very straight forward (fuselage is a box, elevator / rudder are balsa sheets, wings are rectangular, but I can if someone is interested of course).

Anyway, after 2 hours of build, model is ready for sanding (tonight)




After that, covering, and put 2 servos in there, and ready for the test flight.

Second kit is ready, that will be our evening project with my daughter  :D  (she already chosen the colours... Purple and Pink all the way!.. Girls...  :P )

Stay tuned for more!  :D
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Happy Days on April 05, 2013, 13:07:22 PM
I think your concept of a simple to build and fly model for school students is a truly excellent idea Fred. :D  Well done ol‘ fruit. :clap:

The students benefit from learning about flight, materials strength, adhesives, and this wonderful hobby of ours.
The teachers benefit from having all the parts needed as a teaching aid.
And Fred benefits from increasing sales.
Add all the above together and you have the perfect commercial situation where everybody gains and nobody looses. :)

I don’t know what you would think about the only reservation I have, Fred.

I would suggest that a free flight model might be preferable to a r.c. one.
I’m thinking that by adding rc to the model, it increases the overall cost (by a good many times) as well as adding complexity in terms of setting up the control throws and having to learn how to fly the model. (Who would be there to teach them? :!: )
All children, since the beginning of time, prefer quick conclusions to adventures they commence. From their point of view, building the model “should” mean that when it’s built they can fly it straight away.

You know more than me about aerodynamics but I would have thought a free flight model would be no more complex to design, would it? Then, when its built, the students can take it out to the playing fields and launch it.

Please don’t think I’m trying to ‘piss on your bonfire’ Fred I honestly think your idea is marvellous :D  and I’m all for introducing newbies into this hobby. :clap:  I just wonder if rc flight, in this situation, might not  be a step too far.

Very impresses that your young’un is going to become another aeromodel genius like her pa’pa. I only hope she grows up better looking! :P

Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: billscottni on April 05, 2013, 13:10:12 PM
looks good Fred. A foam wing would make it even simpler & more robust
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: rogallo on April 05, 2013, 13:23:24 PM
Your about 2 days too late. I just gave my nephew a ridge runt kit to build as a first model.

Maybe I could change his mind and build one of your Fred?

Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Keith on April 05, 2013, 13:47:57 PM
Thats a good idea fred and its a nice looking glider too .. What price are you putting on them ???
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Fred on April 05, 2013, 14:07:29 PM
Thanks for the comments  :D

I went for RC model straight away as in my mind, this is better to start straight away with it these days. Let's say that there are many doors to enter the hobby, this is one of them  :D  But I agree, FF models are much harder to get flying properly, but starting with FF models, might be the "step" too far before starting RC for lots of kids if you see what I mean. And I think the setup is part of the fun too, all those wires, battery, the remote add to the appeal (mainly for boys, my girls only look at the colour of the stuff, if it's pink, there are in!)
Oh, and I'm drawing some FF Depron models for Ronan's father flying school  :D so all is not lost.
Also these days, you can buy a cheapo 2ch radio for 50 euros max, or even for less, that gives you a fully flying machine for less than 100 euros (that's about less than 2 video games in Kids money  :lol: )

@Bill> Thanks :) But no foam wing, the purpose is also to learn how to build, use wood, glue etc etc  :D

@ Ralph >We'll see how the flying goes next week end (mine is built heavy, used scrap balsa, that will be a good test  :D )
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Fred on April 05, 2013, 14:25:00 PM
Quote from: "Keith"
Thats a good idea fred and its a nice looking glider too .. What price are you putting on them ???

Thanks Keith  :D
Really don't know yet as I use stock parts, like the TE, but I guess 50 euros all in.
But it will certainly be cheaper to start from the plan, as you can use whatever you already have (if you have any of course), and of course, use depron instead of wood etc etc :)
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Happy Days on April 05, 2013, 15:47:32 PM
Okay Fred, I must confess I didn’t know FF models were difficult to set up. (The only ff plane I’ve ever flown was a paper dart. :oops: )

I wish you the very best of luck with your venture. I don’t know how many secondary level schools there are in the country but it must number in the hundreds.
Don’t be surprised if you get a bulk order from the Department of Education for 800 models! :D

Keith (Little)
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Fred on April 05, 2013, 15:55:32 PM
:lol: Thanks Keith (well, if I manage to sell, one, that will be a victory on itself!  :D )

FF models need to be setup properly to fly, as they, of course, don't have controls in flight to make them fly straight if you see what I mean.

I really respect the guys that fly rubber powered models, and the F1 category in general. When you see what they can do, amazing skills! (and that's without talking about the build part!)
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: johnfireball on April 07, 2013, 01:22:54 AM
Hi Fred,
            Great idea, May I suggest making the wing leading edge a diamond shape as it's much easier for the novice to make round with just a quick flick of the sandpaper without breaking ribs.
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Fred on April 07, 2013, 10:24:45 AM
Hey John,

Yep, was thinking of that, but I thought that instead of having to buy 2 more pine strips of 5x5mm for the LE, we can re-use the leftovers.
The sub LE are made with 4x4 balsa, and the actual LE is made with the leftover from the spars.
Minimum sanding (well, saying that, I use a plane, much easier) and keep the cost low (not much, by about 3 euros, but I think a little bit of sanding will not hurt  :D )

Fuselage sheeting comes from the leftovers from the balsa sheet they are cut from as well  :D

Glider is covered, I'll put the servos next week now, time to work on the Pilatus!  :D
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Fred on April 08, 2013, 12:05:08 PM
Forgot to put photos of the almost finished product!

Sorry, went boring on the colour scheme  :oops:


Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: billscottni on April 08, 2013, 14:13:30 PM
didn't let the girls pick the colours then  :wink:  :D
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Fred on April 08, 2013, 14:37:55 PM
:lol: No, not on that one  :lol:
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: mario on April 08, 2013, 16:32:12 PM
good job :wink:
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Fred on May 27, 2014, 20:31:27 PM
Finally, after a year, test flew the glider! (Ronan already flew his proto).
Well, that thing fly great! Very surprising actually, as I was not expecting much performance! Only designed to be built by beginners, and fly as a trainer...

Anyway, on the Saturday, did the first launch in about 30 or maybe 40km/h wind. Straight from the launch, nothing to touch, like in a magazine!  :lol:
Wind was no problem, and I was soaring without any issues. Rudder is very responsive, more than anticipated. Very little movement are needed.
Anyway, very pleased!
The next day, on the thermal day of the week end, launched the glider to show Stephen that it fly straight etc... Not expecting to fly at all! The little thing flew in virtually no wind without any issues!
Great little glider!
I think the guys who witnessed the flights can confirm! Very easy to fly, and a relatively wide range of wind! Need to try bungee launching now, and the circle will be complete!

Photos soon  :D
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: Keith on May 27, 2014, 23:04:56 PM
Yeah Fred it was a great little glider flew great in all conditions .. Now it's time to get the finger out a produce some kits  :D  :D
Title: Glider for Beginners
Post by: stephen.shannon on May 28, 2014, 17:10:10 PM
I've just mailed you there fred, I'll take one from you, maybe two once I know the price.

