GliderIreland - Ireland RC Forum - Flying Model forum in Ireland

Misceleanous => Wanted => Topic started by: Happy Days on August 06, 2010, 07:57:19 AM

Title: Come back Joe,......all is forgiven!
Post by: Happy Days on August 06, 2010, 07:57:19 AM
Does anyone know anything about my friend Joe?

He’s a little fella, with dark hair, slim build and recons he can sing. :roll: (Don't we all!)
Very good at flying gliders and also, I’m told, plays a guitar. 8)

The last time I saw him was on Mt. Lienster, but that was six months ago or more. I haven’t seen nor heard of him since. :!:

I’m wondering if he might have got lost up there and be wondering round in circles. (He might not be able to see above the foliage) Or perhaps he’s fallen off the edge of the planet, or been zapped up into space by aliens. :?:
I thought of putting up a reward for information leading to his discovery…….So if anyone has any information as to his whereabouts please contact me. I’ll pay €1 for his safe return. :P

Any of you prepared to bid higher than that? :lol:

Title: Come back Joe,......all is forgiven!
Post by: Fred on August 06, 2010, 16:25:07 PM
I give 1.10€... If he stops singing !  :P  :mrgreen:
Title: Come back Joe,......all is forgiven!
Post by: joe on August 12, 2010, 12:18:47 PM
€1.10!!! :shock:  :shock:  :shock:
Wow! thanks lads. I honoured that you would pay so much to have me back. You really are friends indeed.

Back home now. For one day!! No rest for the wicked. Sorry i've been very quiet lately. On the road for most of the summer so far and will be until september. Hope to see you all on the slope then.
Title: Come back Joe,......all is forgiven!
Post by: Happy Days on August 12, 2010, 20:30:46 PM
Arrr Joseph,…….you’re still alive! :clap:  

Are you going to make the Sep Glide-In? :?:
Title: Come back Joe,......all is forgiven!
Post by: Richard Boyd on August 15, 2010, 11:37:49 AM
Great to see Joe back , he has very generous friends.

Now Joe is back maybe you can help me find Kees !
Kees bought a camper van and has disappeared !
If you meet a crazy Dutch man ! please tell him to get back home and start flying again.
