GliderIreland - Ireland RC Forum - Flying Model forum in Ireland

Misceleanous => Misceleanous => Topic started by: Ron on February 18, 2011, 08:28:05 AM

Title: Some brilliant air to air video
Post by: Ron on February 18, 2011, 08:28:05 AM
This must have taken some skill on the part of the quad pilot.
Bear in mind that the camera is fixed on the quad, so much of this is taken with the quad flying sideways or even backwards.


Title: Some brilliant air to air video
Post by: Happy Days on February 18, 2011, 09:02:51 AM
Yea’, Does seem that when the Quad is following, or along side, the planes being filmed have a high angle of attack. I recon they’re flying slowly to allow the quad to keep up, don’t you.?

Quite entertaining though, especially when there is more than just one other plane to film.
(Very clear images, better than my little hand held camcorder)

So how’s your quad coming along Ron. 8)  We’re all waiting for the next epic screening!

Title: Some brilliant air to air video
Post by: Ron on February 18, 2011, 09:10:22 AM
I think the quad should be able to keep up OK. They can do 30 or 40 knots fairly easily.
But it does look like the angle of attack is high.
But then I've never been up there with a model to see what it looks like  :lol:

My quad has been up and down.
The last down was upside down from 30ft and broke the frame.
So it was back to the drawing board.
New frame is coming along and just needs some suitable screws and nuts to finish it.
Hopefully it's slimmer and tougher.
