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Messages - IceWind

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How to... / Painting Foamies - The Answer - YESSSS
« on: February 13, 2014, 12:14:58 PM »
Thanks for the adivce.

Quick question, does it get too brittle and flake out?

This would be to paint a wing so there will be lots of warping, specially on landings.

I was going either for paint or thin packing tape, but the disadvantage is that it's hard to find decent colors for tape and I imagine it adds up more weight.

For Sale / Video FPV Gear - 5.8Ghz (1 Kits)
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:34:41 AM »
Kit 1:
FPV Kit 5.8Ghz with Spironet RP-SMA antennas.
(All new still in the boxes)

1x - vRX RC305 5.8Ghz
1x - vTX 250mW GT Power
1x - Kit Antennas Spironet

Price: €80

Kit 2:
Kit de FPV 5.8Ghz

1x - vRX RC305 5.8Ghz
1x - vTX Boscam 200mW
1x - vTX Boscam 500mW

w/Stock antennas

Price: €95


(May have some other micro vTX somewhere that I can add to these... if I find them. :) )

How to... / Painting Foamies - The Answer - YESSSS
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:26:46 AM »
...and +2yrs after you get some feedback! :D

Thanks! Going to get some.

Wanted / Lipo charger
« on: January 13, 2014, 21:28:08 PM »
Quote from: "Happy Days"
What style of balance lead connecters does it take Nando?

By the way, Why haven’t we seen you on the Big L for the past three years?! Gone over to powered flight have you?
 (Propellers are for pussies :lol: )


That's the thing it doesn't have balance leads.
I was using it with a external balancer from Graupner.

That's not fair... I've been flying things with 3 or more propellers... :(
But I do miss Big L, been to go there to make some aerial footage but for that it can't be too much wind. :)

Wanted / Lipo charger
« on: January 10, 2014, 22:43:39 PM »
Do you require one with balancer?
I have a xPeak 3 Plus from Jamara that I don't use, that thing is brand new and it's a shame it's just collecting dust.

For Sale / patch antenna for 2,4 gHz
« on: January 10, 2014, 22:38:51 PM »
Nice looking BiQuad. :)

Electrics / QuadCopter - Build and Fly
« on: September 16, 2013, 23:02:00 PM »
Nice to see more flying quads in IE.

I'd usually go for separated ESC's. One of the common changes over time is to reprogram the ESC's FW to have a smoother throttle curve and faster response.
Depending on your flying style it can make quite a change.

PS: Gee... my account has probably cobwebs by now. :)

Slope Soaring / Pawel's Flying Wing
« on: April 21, 2012, 13:35:45 PM »
You may need to use a different hosting service for the photos.

I often use photobucket and it doesn't have any problems as it's meant for that.

Radios / What used transmitter for 150-200 euro
« on: April 20, 2012, 20:46:45 PM »
The 9ZAP I don't know as I never used one but the 9C I have one and I love it.
Excellent radio, I know there are much better than this one but overall is an excellent radio.
And most of the FPV gear is compatible with it, like head-trackers.

Currently mine has the 35Mhz module and inside a FrSky hack module 2.4Ghz for FPV. Unless it breaks I won't swap it for another radio.

« on: November 11, 2011, 23:05:53 PM »
For a great site to get cameras check:
Most of the items there have free shipping and there is tons of camera with all kinds of specs. I'd recommend something with WDR.
Most refer the ones with Pixim sensors but I've seen and have good results with Sony sensors.

Great thing is that their staff run a thread in RCG and you can post questions there or even any support request:

FPV / Very worrying behaviour in Dublin
« on: August 22, 2011, 22:38:25 PM »
Don't count with that.
Check the other videos and you'll see... not sure what's worse.
This or other times when he's flying over the M50.

Electrics / QuadCopter - Build and Fly
« on: August 21, 2011, 14:22:33 PM »
It's was about time for me to post something new here.
Here goes the latest video.


(That's what you get for letting the LiPo's go all the way down)

« on: July 02, 2011, 23:05:29 PM »
Great pics Liutas!
Those are making me consider installing the FPV system on a plane as well. :)

This weekend I went for further tests.
Solid signal and image and I should get the new "toy" I'm developing finished soon.
It's a ground box that connects to the video RX and tells me the signal strength and voltage
levels. So far is just on a LCD but when the code is finished it will give sound alarms as well.

Misceleanous / FPV equiped Seagull.
« on: June 27, 2011, 17:34:01 PM »


« on: June 20, 2011, 12:05:13 PM »
Just sharing a small test done this weekend.


Lesson learned, never trust the chinese when it comes to crimping plugs.
Had to redo all the wiring for the video part, as the plugs were badly crimped and were source of video black outs.

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