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Messages - gerryb

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Slope Soaring / Re: New models
« on: January 17, 2021, 22:43:45 PM »
Well done Bill and Ralph, great to see work progressing. Hopefully we’ll get time to fly all our new creations before too long.
I have been working on and off on a Moswey III from Frank Albrecht, so rather than start something new, I decided to get stuck in and finish it, hopefully get it flying this season.
1:3.5 scale; 4m span; full timber kit, all ply. I covered the wings and tail in .4 ply and the fuse in 2mm balsa
Some photos......

Slope Soaring / New models
« on: January 03, 2021, 20:19:16 PM »
Following up on Bill’s request for new models, here’s my offering... a Fillon’s Champ. Spec’s are 111” span, weighs less than 2kg, originally a free flight model designed in the early 1940’s. semi kit from Belair laser cut kits.
I saw John Woodfield’s model on YouTube and followed some of his ideas on adapting it to r/c. I increased the fin area and set elevators into the tailplane. I also fit airbrakes. Looking forward to flying it sometime soon.
Regards, GB

Slope Soaring / Re: Happy New Year!!
« on: December 31, 2020, 22:50:29 PM »
Happy new year to all and sundry, especially sundry!!
May you have as many landings as take offs and may they be straight down the runway.
Best of luck in 2021.

Slope Soaring / Re: We Got FLYING!!
« on: November 11, 2020, 18:20:42 PM »
I first saw the champ in an old aeromodeller mag from about 1988 and logged it as a ‘must build’ at some time. Recently I’ve been watching John Woodfield gliders on YouTube and sure enough, there’s the champ, flying beautifully over the cliffs in Cornwall. Well worth a watch if you’re interested. I found out that Belair Kits do a laser cut part kit, so I bought same and I’ve just about finished the build and it’s ready for covering. Is that where Loudain got his kit? I notice he seems to have a taller fin/rudder than the original, I modified mine, same as John Woodfield did, just enlarged the fin. I also plan to fit airbrakes, too big a wing span to try and land without them.
If I get time tomorrow, I’ll put up a few photos.

Slope Soaring / Re: We Got FLYING!!
« on: November 11, 2020, 12:41:44 PM »
Hi Bill, looks like ye had a great day out on a fabulous slope.
Am I right in saying that’s a Fillon Champ in the air? Looks familiar because I’m building one myself at the moment.
Stay safe lads, regards, GB

Events / Re: ISR 2020 Dates
« on: August 28, 2020, 16:12:40 PM »
A reminder SMFC glider fly-in is on tomorrow on Tountinna. Forecast is for N winds. Looking forward to seeing everyone who can be there.
Regards, Gerry Buckley

Slope Soaring / Re: Important Notice for Tountinna Flyers from Sept 2020
« on: August 26, 2020, 14:03:07 PM »
Thanks for this update Ralph, I’ll pass on the info to our members.
Regards, GB

Events / Re: ISR 2020 Dates
« on: August 25, 2020, 16:01:33 PM »
Hi all, sorry for late contact re Tountinna on Saturday. One of our club members-Dermot O’Flynn died suddenly last Sunday and I wasn’t sure if the event would go ahead.
Anyway, we’re all set to go, meeting about 10ish and fly all day.
Re covid 19, naturally we will observe what is now the norm as regards social distancing etc. I would like everyone attending to sign in when they arrive and leave a contact no in case we need to do some contact tracing at a later date. Everyone should bring their own food and drinks with them, we won’t be supplying anything on the day.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, at the moment the forecast looks good with N winds forecast.
If you haven’t been to T T before, you can contact me here and I’ll arrange details on how to get there.
Regards, Gerry Buckley

Slope Soaring / Re: Fingers crossed, Mount L next August 14,15,16th 2020
« on: August 14, 2020, 11:13:50 AM »
Can’t be there this weekend, hope everyone has a great time.
Stay safe,
Regards, Gerry Buckley

Events / Re: ISR 2020 Dates
« on: June 12, 2020, 19:02:16 PM »
Hi all,
And on the subject of Tountinna Glide-in, obviously this Saturday has been cancelled so we have decided to hold our gathering on Saturday, August 29th instead.
Hopefully we will be free to travel as much as we want by then.
Hope to see as many as possible on Tountinna on that date.
Regards to all, stay safe,

Scale / Re: 1/3 scale Ka1/Ka3 combo
« on: May 05, 2020, 12:15:06 PM »
Hi Kev,
I used white  profilm for the wings and a Hobby King red for the fuselage. As you say, they are a bit shiny, but when the model is in the air, you hardly notice.
I also built a 1/4 sc version and covered it with Solartex (unfortunately now no longer available). You can see this model on p6 of Scale, my one is blue and yellow and another one by Kieran Wallace which is red and white.
Best of luck with your model, don’t forget to post photos and keep us up to date.
Regards, Gerry Buckley

Scale / Re: 1/3 scale Ka1/Ka3 combo
« on: April 12, 2020, 19:55:31 PM »
Hi all, happy Easter.
Update  on Ka1/Ka3 combo.....
Finished sheeting the fuse, filled all the little holes and gaps, so now I’m ready to cover it. I plan to use light nylon cloth and diluted PVA glue. I used this system years ago when I built my ASK 13 and it worked out very well for me.
Some photos of the finished fuselage.....

Thermal / Flat field / Re: PuRES V2
« on: March 31, 2020, 15:42:54 PM »
....and I’m not allowed use sharp tools....!

Events / Re: COVID-19 and meetings
« on: March 19, 2020, 18:08:04 PM »
Good decision Ralph, better safe than sorry. Tountinna event postponed as well. Regards Gerry B

Scale / Re: 1/3 scale Ka1/Ka3 combo
« on: March 07, 2020, 18:33:33 PM »
Hi all, update on Ka1/Ka3 combo.....
After a disastrous crash of the Ka3 some time last summer, the whole project was put on the shelf until I stopped crying and got some new enthusiasm for it. That happened earlier this week and in the space of about 3 days, the Ka3 was fixed and is now ready for test flights again.
I am back on the Ka1 and have started sheeting the fuse. Because the ‘3 broke badly in the wing mounting area, I decided to beef up the ‘1 with extra formers. Hopefully, it will all work out in the end.
Some photos......

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