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Messages - Fred

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Slope Soaring / Re: First meeting Mount L this weekend
« on: March 23, 2024, 14:13:14 PM »
Aaawwww 🙁

Slope Soaring / Re: First meeting Mount L this weekend
« on: March 23, 2024, 13:16:15 PM »
It’s lovely up here. And lively!
Even old people are out 🤣🤣

PSS / Re: XF5U “Flying Pancake” PSS
« on: March 17, 2024, 19:57:45 PM »
It’s growing on me 😃

Yellow and silver were the first prototypes. Mine will be the second version, only one made, dark Blue with white markings

PSS / Re: XF5U “Flying Pancake” PSS
« on: March 17, 2024, 16:34:38 PM »
Cheers Ralph 😘

So far, happy. Covered the elevators and painted them. Doesn’t look too bad at all.
I’m using paint samples and a tube is supposed to cover 1m2. Not bad for 2€! Looks very close to the scale color.
Drying now, photos later :)

PSS / Re: XF5U “Flying Pancake” PSS
« on: March 17, 2024, 12:37:09 PM »
Some big steps in the build done!

I really like the look of it.

Anyway, 90% done now. Today is covering day so I can glue the rudders. Elevators are moving, and the canopy is taking shape.

Weight wise, I should be in around 2.2kgs, we’ll see anyway, it will be what it will be :)

PSS / Re: New PSS on the building board
« on: March 01, 2024, 11:39:23 AM »
That’s the plan. If work stop getting in the way! 🤬

PSS / Re: New PSS on the building board
« on: February 25, 2024, 19:44:37 PM »
Could not resist!! 😃😃

That is different for sure!
Glued the 2 motor “tubes”. They are cardboard tubes with 75mm diameter. Scale it should be 90, but could not find any, but they do look just fine. They need the nose cones now. I might cut them down for transport, we’ll see!

Anyway, that is big, and unusual for sure!

PSS / Re: New PSS on the building board
« on: February 25, 2024, 19:41:24 PM »
Elevators and rudders are done. Just need to put them in place now. No ideas still for the elevators. For the rudders, cut 2 templates/support for the tubes, just need to place them now.

PSS / Re: New PSS on the building board
« on: February 24, 2024, 19:20:41 PM »
Sacrificed a good day to go flying to work on the FU5X.
Have to do what you have to do! That thing needs to be ready for radio by end of next week if I want to stay in my plans!

So finished designing the elevators and rudders.
Cut straight away and assembly started without issues.

Tomorrow sheeting, and we’ll see how to plug the elevators! The big unknown at this stage.

Also cut the fuselage templates. Decided it will be made in foam, sanded to shape. Template in the fuselage look very cool piece of aviation!

Started to think about the turbines casing now. I may have an idea, we’ll see! 😃

Slope Soaring / Re: 2024 Subs
« on: February 19, 2024, 18:36:27 PM »
And done 👍

PSS / Re: New PSS on the building board
« on: February 19, 2024, 18:35:31 PM »
You win a hug! 😃😃

That’s the one. And as a PSS to add some difficulty to the task 🤣

Elevator and rudder parts ready to be cut, so we are getting there! The bottom will be sheeted once everything is in place.

PSS / Re: New PSS on the building board
« on: February 18, 2024, 16:24:45 PM »
Top sheeting done, so as the plan, so all good from here.

Should be easier to find what it is now 😁😁

PSS / Re: New PSS on the building board
« on: February 12, 2024, 00:05:31 AM »

Sports / So, I joined a club! SRFC
« on: February 11, 2024, 19:27:27 PM »
I must have been talking about it for the last 20 years! And well, this year, you will finally stop hearing me mentioning it, because I finally joined a club! (Well, outside of the ISR! 🤣)

The club is the Shankill Radio Flying Club, located at the foot of the Sugar Loaf mountain, about 25 minutes from home, so ideally located!

I must say, of all the clubs I visited around Dublin, this is by far the friendliest and most relax about new comers, and to me, not a surprise their numbers are growing as I was told by Barry Saturday! Totally deserved!

I won’t bored you with the details, all I can say is that it is nice to meet like minded people, and as for me, when it’s not good for gliding, great to have another spot to crash my things 🤣

Anyway, here are a couple of photos, I’ll update here as I go along, so stay tuned!

PSS / XF5U “Flying Pancake” PSS
« on: February 11, 2024, 19:09:48 PM »
Finally glueing some wood!

Quickly designed, and something I had in mind doing for a very long time! The 50th Macon meeting required something out of the ordinary, and I think I found something never done in PSS!

Will it fly? That’s a problem for later 🤣

Root chord is 1.5m, and I needed a special building board.

Here are a few photos, sheeting in progress 😁

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