I would have expected the higher C to be associated with the higher current setup. What's missing from the info is the motor wattage. It's usual to derate the ESC (electronics don't like heat), and to give substantial overhead in terms of the esc.e.g. estimated peak current 50 A, esc rsted 75 A. In many electronics designs it's not unusual to derate electronic devices by 50%, and sometimes more.
Based on the weight it looks like you need a 400, 500W system, as in the battery needs to be able to supply 500 watts for the expected flight duration, without damaging itself, the ESC, or the motor.
An example of a suitable system is the power pack for the Multiplex Acromaster. If I recall correctly this is around the 450 W mark, runs on 3S batteries. I'm not saying buy this as it is kind of expensive, being multiplex, but it is an example, with battery recommendations, of a motor, prop and esc that will provide what seems to be the right amount of power. Once the battrry and esc are sorted I find I sometimes replace the motor with a higher KV motor after a few flights. That would be because I dont want to overload the motor by moving to a higher pitch prop.