Author Topic: zagi si reinforcement  (Read 11377 times)


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zagi si reinforcement
« on: February 13, 2010, 16:02:24 PM »
hey all ,
            just purchased a jp zagi si, i opened the box to find there is no carbon fibre wing joiner included in the kit, it says on the instructions that just putting reinforcing tape crossways on it will make it strong enough.
ive had a look at other forums and most seem to reckon just bullet tape on its own will be strong enough  ???
are there people who had one of these kits before out there ???
what do you think  :?
i am hoping to use it for genearl slope flying, and some combat  :twisted:


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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2010, 17:34:44 PM »
Luke, If you intend general flying it should be fine with just the tape. Any high speed flying or DS (Dynamic Soaring) would need the carbon.

I flew a zagi for years in combat and general slope flying with no spar


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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2010, 17:44:51 PM »
thanks bill,
                   would it be enough though for a little bit of slope combat aswell ???


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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2010, 17:47:07 PM »
It'll be fine.

If you're worried about it a carbon tube isn't hard to get hold of. Most model shops have them or anywhere selling kites as a lot of them now use carbon frames.

But I'd fly it as is


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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2010, 17:57:18 PM »
thanks bill . time to finish it so  :D

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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2010, 18:04:15 PM »
To add my two pence worth Luke I also had a Zagi. Flew it in combat, nose dived it into the ground and abused it in all manor of ways and never had any problem with it. All with just fibre tape holding it together.
Wonderful little flyer. :D

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2010, 18:06:43 PM »
thanks keith ,
                     hows the phase 6 going ????
                     any new purchases ???????

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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2010, 19:54:47 PM »
Well, I brought a new Phase 6. The old one got so bashed up that it was more repairs than plane. The new one has flaps and ailerons. Makes a world of difference. :D
Landing her now is a piece of cake, just bring in the crow brake and she slows down to almost nothing. In fact, if it’s very windy, she’ll fly backwards. (relative to the ground).

Been thinking about getting a mouldy. I’m quite taken by the Kwarciniski Starling. (2mtr V tail) Quite fast and aerobatic. :D
Fred’s trying to talk me into bigger models. Recons a 4mtr plane would be good for light wind conditions. Hmmmmm :?:

So how about yourself? You must bring your Zagi toTountinna on the 12th June. By all accounts there’s going to be a big “punch up” there. East v West combat! :twisted:
Those Zagi’s are great for combat……….virtualy indestructible, and they turn on a sixpence.! Show us a picture when it’s finished.

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2010, 12:56:41 PM »
glad to see your phase 6 is still n the go, by the sounds of it you have big plans  :)  i reckon your going to have a go at the , you have the need for speed my friend  :twisted: ,
yeah looking forward to getting back on the hill again . looking forward to mixing it up  :twisted:


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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2010, 15:50:06 PM »
hey folks ,
                just back from test flying my zagi............ woooohooooo  :lol:
great fun , had to dial in a nice bit of expo on the ailerons and elevator but its grand. i had a buzzard and a hawk for company for a while (showing me how its REALLY done ) but they dissapeared (obviously unimpressed)
very stable when flown gently , but it has a tendancy to rock the wings if you get a bit rough on the turns........................ still though woooohoooo :lol:
heres a picture


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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2010, 17:10:33 PM »
Yea, they’re great fund aren’t they Luke. They can take a fair bit of punishment as well.

Personally I found using dual rates was very handy. Low rate for light conditions, High rate when there is “Loads o’ Lift!”

If I may, Luke, I’ll give you a suggestion………… different control rods,………ones with a double bend in each one. (As you’ll see in the picture of my old one)
The reason for the bend is to act as a shock absorber. The idea is that if  (or should I say When) the model has a hard landing the bend in the control rods will help to stop the servos from being jarred and possibly stripping the gears.

Your's is a lovely model, I’ll look forward to knocking it out of the sky one of these days! :twisted:  (Or not,….as the case me be! :lol: )

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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zagi si reinforcement
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2010, 20:05:31 PM »
thanks for the tip keith ..............  they are bit of a pain to launch though...............grab it by the nose twist your arm around and fling !!!! im found that kinda hard .................... yeah no bother kieth , looking forward to mixing it up with ye real soon  :twisted: