Hi Gerry,
You can of course count me in.
Now, we have to sort out one crucial element! The tow planes!
Who have any available that will be available to come over that week end?
With towing experience will be a plus
but we can also change it to a tow training session too, happy to give a few tips and tricks and put my gliders on tows for that.
We will most certainly have a chat this week end with everybody present at Mt Leinster, so hopefully, that will keep the ball rolling!
If nobody interested, but if a few of Andreas club members want to give aerotow a try, happy to come over for that too.
Also, if something is organised, experience, and also recent one, shows that we need more than one tow plane on duty for the day/week end.
Unfortunately, I will have mine ready only in September/October, not before that