Author Topic: Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In  (Read 38378 times)


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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2008, 16:31:58 PM »
Quote from: "cvanscho"

Just one small fly in the oitment from my point of view:  I found that power models doing 3D stuff in front of the flying line very distracting and annoying.  I know it's a free world - anyone has the right to do that if that is their inclination.  It is just my personal view that when a bunch of glider guiders organise to get together and enjoy their (mostly) silent machines, that power-only toys should stay in the car....  If one wants to fly and enjoy such models, one needs only go to your local flying patch (or even fly off your own front lawn) - you don't need to drive half-way across the country to a remote mountain-side to do so...

The saying "People in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones" springs to mind here.

Or in other words.

I don't have a problem with people flying electric gliders or small electric planes at the slope, especially in the conditions we had on Sunday. The idea here is to get people out and flying, enjoying themselves and having a bit of fun. We all have different aspects of modeling we are drawn to.
Perhaps a little more tolerance toward one's fellow flyer is needed here?. Something that has been afforded you on more than one occasion.

Thats my two cent worth anyway!

Happy Days

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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #31 on: September 09, 2008, 19:30:26 PM »
Hi Dave, and welcome to the party! :clap:

A word of caution however; Whilst most of the guys on this forum are fine upstanding members of society, there are a couple who are, shall I put it,.....of rather less savoury characters. (I'll whisper their names in your ear when I meet you :wink: )

Very glad you've decided upon the civilized way of model flying and not those noisy, smelly, oily things they call IC engines. You're obviously a man of great sense :)

I look forward to meeting you at the next get together.


Oh, the way. If you're going to bring some buns for Ralph, could you bring some chocy biscuits for me please? Yumy yum yums! :D
Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #32 on: September 09, 2008, 22:09:21 PM »
Thanks for coming along Dave. Great to have yourself and Gerry over for the day. Yeah, we spent the budget on the Sun and clear skies and ran out of cash for the wind. We did the opposite on Saturday. We'll spread it around a bit more next time.
I have a bit of a thing for the chocolate croissant Dave if ya have any of those  :D


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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #33 on: September 09, 2008, 23:17:10 PM »
Quote from: "joe"
Quote from: "cvanscho"

Just one small fly in the oitment from my point of view:  I found that power models doing 3D stuff in front of the flying line very distracting and annoying.  I know it's a free world - anyone has the right to do that if that is their inclination.  It is just my personal view that when a bunch of glider guiders organise to get together and enjoy their (mostly) silent machines, that power-only toys should stay in the car....  If one wants to fly and enjoy such models, one needs only go to your local flying patch (or even fly off your own front lawn) - you don't need to drive half-way across the country to a remote mountain-side to do so...

The saying "People in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones" springs to mind here.

Or in other words.

I don't have a problem with people flying electric gliders or small electric planes at the slope, especially in the conditions we had on Sunday. The idea here is to get people out and flying, enjoying themselves and having a bit of fun. We all have different aspects of modeling we are drawn to.
Perhaps a little more tolerance toward one's fellow flyer is needed here?. Something that has been afforded you on more than one occasion.

Thats my two cent worth anyway!
Joe, I was expressing an opinion that I still believe is as valid as anyone else's.  It is unfortunate that you see fit to respond with a personal attack which I believe is most unfortunate, and un-called for.  

I would like to point out the following:

1.  I was not talking about electric gliders.  Yes, I have one too, and I use the power system to save the plane when lift dies.  That is a very different scenario to buzzing and hovering back and forth ("3D stuff") right in front of glider flyers who are trying to concentrate on often quite distant planes.

2.  I enjoy other sorts of RC as well.  I don't bring my heli or Stryker etc. to glider fly-ins.

3.  I would be the first to admit that my actions have been a PITA at meetings, and I unreservedly apologise for that.  BUT, in my defence, the "events" have all been because of a lack of skill and experience (I am particularly not used to sharing the sky and landing area with other planes and flyers, and this makes me considerably nervous).  In other words, I don't believe that any of my actions that required so much "tolerance" on the part of others, can be accused of being premeditated or deliberate.  I was immediately very much aware of, and deeply embarassed by my "tolerance-needing" accidents.  I think I tried to apologise to all.  Clearly that is totally different to the issue I was commenting on in my post...  

4.  I'm deeply aware that my flying at fly-ins has been bad enough at times to get myself labelled as a "hazard", and maybe even be banned from such events.  My response would be that that does not show a lot of tolerance towards those who clearly need more coaching and experience.  However, should that come to pass, I would expect it to be taken care of outside of a public forum environment, and that it would be based on specific charges, not the vague, undefined accusations you are inferring.

4.  This is, after all, a: "forum", where opinions are (supposed to be) expressed and debated.  I made it clear in my comments that I was expressing only my own, personal opinion.  If you do not agree with me, that is fine, but you need to respect my right to an opinion as well.  Turning this into a personal attack (on behalf, it seems, of more people than just yourself) is disrespectful, and not, I believe, appropriate behaviour for a forum.

5.  I think I may have totally misunderstood the reason for the ISR fly-ins.  I did not realise it was all about "getting people out and flying", etc.  That seems to imply any sort of RC plane.  I thought it was about flying slope gliders.  My mistake.

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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2008, 00:12:03 AM »
Gentlemen,..........there is an old poem called Desiderata. (Look it up in Wikepeadia, or Google it.)

It's a reflection upon the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

In it, it acknowledges that we are all different. That we all aspire to different goals, have different fears, and see different meanings in things.

It also suggests that we, "Speak our thruths quietly and clearly, and listen to others"

That's my two cents worth.
Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2008, 03:46:20 AM »
"Go placidly amid the noise and confusion..."..  Good call that, Keith (and I did that from memory - I'm 53, so Desiderata posters - and the song - was very much part of my youth.. :D )!


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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2008, 08:42:01 AM »
No Chris you have not misunderstood the reason for the fly-ins. They are essentially slope(glider) meetings. My point is that, it is difficult to encourage people to come out and fly and take part. If someone makes the effort to come to a meeting and find the gliders they have are not suitable for the conditions I for one am happy enough that they fly small electrics. This is just my own feeling on the matter. I do not want these people to be put off coming again next time when perhaps the glider they do have will work for the conditions.
This is what i should have said.

My earlier comments (and they are my own views only) were geared toward making the above point only. I was perhaps a little heavy handed. They were not intended was a personnel attack on yourself.

I understand entirely the learning process involved when getting used to flying with other people and having 4/5 gliders in the air at once is a nerve-racking experience in the beginning . I have gone through and am still going through the process myself. The only way of course is to get out there and fly and learn from the experience and any "events" we have along the way (of which we all have a few).

What i am saying is "Live and let Live"


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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2008, 10:38:43 AM »
Hello there  :D

Dave, welcome to the forum ! Really nice to see you guys and share some thermals with you !  :D
And I'm up for any sort of cakes !  :P  The ones at the Nationals were delicious !  :D
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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2008, 11:22:01 AM »
And if I can join the debate... :wink:


3. I would be the first to admit that my actions have been a PITA at meetings, and I unreservedly apologise for that. BUT, in my defence, the "events" have all been because of a lack of skill and experience (I am particularly not used to sharing the sky and landing area with other planes and flyers, and this makes me considerably nervous). In other words, I don't believe that any of my actions that required so much "tolerance" on the part of others, can be accused of being premeditated or deliberate. I was immediately very much aware of, and deeply embarassed by my "tolerance-needing" accidents. I think I tried to apologise to all. Clearly that is totally different to the issue I was commenting on in my post...
4. I'm deeply aware that my flying at fly-ins has been bad enough at times to get myself labelled as a "hazard", and maybe even be banned from such events. My response would be that that does not show a lot of tolerance towards those who clearly need more coaching and experience. However, should that come to pass, I would expect it to be taken care of outside of a public forum environment, and that it would be based on specific charges, not the vague, undefined accusations you are inferring.

My first thought on this was that "flying alone" all the time is not a good excuse to jeopardise safety of others during events, even if I understand the bad habits things (and not only for you, but in a general sense...)

Now, I'm going to do positive cristism, because after all, it's just a hobby.

Chris, I think, reading your comments, you know (and I think you must be brave to admit it ! Not easy!) you have a lot of progress to do. To be honest, I can see that too when I see you flying, you don't need a long time to understand that the glider is in control of it's destiny :D  But last week end, I saw a really good landing you've made, and maybe the best one I saw from you  :clap:

Another honest thing, in my mind, you are categorised as a "dangerous pilot". By that, I mean when you have a glider in the air, you never know where the machine is going to end up.  As I said earlier, I see the glider being more in control than the pilot (and believe me, 24 years in the thing, saw that a lot already...). But that don't mean that is never going to change (practice practice !  :wink: )...

Now, one thing I keep asking myself, and I'm dead serious on that one... Why do you keep flying mouldies ? I know, it's cool, look good etc etc, but why, for a little while,  not to try to go back to basics ? No shame on that IMO (I fly with a easyglider, 2 ch HI Fly etc etc too !)
I think you have an Easyglider ? Why not keep flying it, learn / train to have precise flying path, landings, learn how to use the rudder, cinetic energy of the glider etc etc... Of course, I would be happy to help (you and others if they want to join of course ! Actually, can be a good idea to have a solep soaring/glider workshop  :?: ). Skills and experience don't fall from the sky (not like gliders  :P )

You can't pretend doing F3F stuff or aerobatics without having the basics right. You can try and try, that will not work ! Talking a lot on forums is one thing, doing the actual things right in a slope, is another (That's what I keep saying to a lot of guys, stop theorising, practice !  :wink: ) It's a shame, because you are able to do really good stuff (the landing I saw  :clap: ) and in the mean time, be able to have a row of pilots moving back from the slope while you are flying...

I hope you will see all the above as positive criticism (They are! In bad English, but they are!) And if you need any help/advice, you know where to ask !  :D
And note that the above comments are good for everybody...

My 1 euro and 2 cents worth  :wink:
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!

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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2008, 12:12:02 PM »
Hi Fred,

I got about 20 minutes worth of video footage at the Glid In. But a combination of poor light (on Saturday), cheap camcorder (100euro 'by it now' on ebay) and the fact that I'm a terrible cameraman :oops:  meant that only a couple of minutes are usable. :cry:  

Oh, give me the days of wind up 8mm film camera's. These modern camcorders are far too testicle for me. :)

Anyway, I've been trying to up load it to the forum but I can't.

So, what should I do with it? (No rude comments from Joe please!)

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2008, 12:15:40 PM »
:lol:  :lol:

Keith, you can send me the video if you want. I'll put it on my server and put the link here.

Is the original footage big ? Just to see if you can send it to me... :?:

True, I took some photos but no videos  :oops:
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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2008, 12:20:55 PM »
By the way, totally out of context, but all ISR members can have a mail address like (with pop3, smtp and redirection + webmail...) and space in my server ( http://

Just ask, and I'll give you the details !  :D
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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2008, 15:19:28 PM »
Thanks to Keith, here is a video of the week end !
With some Pink Floyd... Keith, a man of great taste !  :D  :D

All here :

~ 40 Mb  (I can try to make it smaller for the ones with slower connections)

Very good video Keith !  :clap:
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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2008, 15:31:59 PM »
Rude me!  :?:  :?
I was quite impressed with the ASH video you sent to me Keith. Even liked the music! I'm pretty useless with a camera as Fred will tell you.
Will try to upload that ASH video when I get a chance to compress it a bit.


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Mount Leinster Sept 08 - ISR Glide-In
« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2008, 15:49:53 PM »
ASH video ? Where ??  :D

Keith, do you have one of the Wasabi ?  :D  I look almost good with those 4 points rolls !  :lol:
Education is important, but flying RC planes and gliders is importanter!