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Messages - Freedom Flyer

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Slope Soaring / Hello from the U.S.
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:00:13 AM »

Hey guys I think I'm getting this thing figured out.  My two brothers and I generally take a few different types of planes when we go, we are not yet into the hi-tech era.  Since we are the only 3 guys who fly slope around here, and our hobby shop isn't much of a hobby shop, we don't have a whole lot of access to carbon fiber and the building knowledge that goes with it.  :evil: There are a few guys that live about 125KM away that have some higher performance planes.  In fact one is very knowledgeable and is building some very beautiful planes, he is however, very much an elitist. and has made some negative comments about our "Old School planes." Thankfully he doesn't live close enough to be around us much.  Well gotta go for now I'll get some more pics of our planes, some launches, of our slope and some of the beauty we get to view from atop our slope.  Tracy

Slope Soaring / Hello from the U.S.
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:43:04 AM »
Hope this one worked, This is one of my favorite sailplanes a Craft Air Freedom built it in 1986 been recovered once about 7 years ago.

Slope Soaring / Hello from the U.S.
« on: January 09, 2012, 21:10:28 PM »
Didn't work, I'm having a heck of a time. Tracy

Slope Soaring / Hello from the U.S.
« on: January 09, 2012, 21:09:19 PM »
did it work?[/img]

Slope Soaring / spelins end gramr
« on: January 09, 2012, 20:41:28 PM »
   downt nead too werry abowt mi end mie speling, Eye tri two maik shur two chek awl thuh wereds whith uh spel chekr ore lewk themm uhp inn thuh dikshunerie beefor Eye tipe themm. :D Freedum Fliier

Slope Soaring / A bit about me
« on: January 05, 2012, 22:38:32 PM »
     I am Tracy (Male), been involved in the RC hobby for 30 years although have not flown nearly as much as I would like to.I Love RC, but I Love my wife and kids more therefore the flight time takes 2nd place. Since I haven't flown a bunch lately, the RC world has passed me by and moved into the Carbon Fiber  realm, so until I get up to date and save a little $$, I'll keep flying my balsa crunchies and my 1 foamie.
      I Got started while working in a College Dormitory where one of the students had a J-3 Cub hanging from his ceiling in his dorm room. Long story short, through visitation and seeing him fly a bit the bug  bit me.  He ended up crashing one of his planes and throwing it away, I pulled it out of the garbage and through trial and error, secretly put it back together. Bought a Futaba 4 channel radio and an O.S. Max .25 and surprised him with the rebuild one day.  He took it out and test flew it and I was on my way. That was of course before the days of trainer cords in 4 channel radios, so it wasn't long before the rebuild was re-kitted and I found another used plane to learn on. surprisingly enough It only took 2 planes for me to solo.  He then introduced me to slope soaring, which really is my preferred type of flying.  I tried for 20 years to get my older brothers involved in the hobby and about 10 years ago, 2 out of the 3 succumbed to the call.  We are the only 3 guys that fly sailplanes and slope planes in our area, (that we know of we've never seen anyone else in the last  10 years) pretty sad for a city of 55,000. My oldest brother flies both power and sailplanes, but my other brother is a purest and flies slope only and no batteries or spinny things allowed :lol:. Therefore, my oldest brother and I call him a Girl and laugh at him when we're at the slope with no wind and we're flying our Radians. I do still fly power and enjoy it but I'd take sloping any day :D . Hope to get this figured out soon so I can share some pics of our part of the world and of our slope and the Retro stuff we fly. Shoot, I've still got the first Gentle Lady glider I built back in the spring of 1982, it sill flies wonderfully, and I take it with every time I go out.  :D  :D Hopefully I'll have some pics soon FF

Slope Soaring / Experimentation
« on: January 05, 2012, 20:29:53 PM »
     I'll do some experimentation and see if I can figure this thing out, I may have to get my neighbor over to see if he can help me out. Thanks, Tracy

Slope Soaring / A bit of trouble
« on: January 05, 2012, 16:05:19 PM »
    I'm having a bit of trouble navigating this forum and getting set up properly, I'd like to add an avatar but not quite sure how to get a pic to a URL, and will more than likely need to get some guidance for posting pics as well. And thanks for the offer, it would sure be a blast to get to that side of the pond :D. Tracy (FF)

Slope Soaring / Hello from the U.S.
« on: January 05, 2012, 15:08:52 PM »
Hello from the U.S.,
     Hope you don't mind a foreigner dropping in.
     What a beautiful place you all live in, I've admired your slopes from afar.  Would be a dream to get there one day and fly on those huge faces. I don't fly anything too fancy, mostly older style built up balsa stuff, have one foamie and hoping to move into the carbon fiber realm at some point. have enjoyed looking through your posts. Freedom Flyer

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