Author Topic: Please Read important update regarding IAA  (Read 6403 times)


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Please Read important update regarding IAA
« on: August 21, 2020, 08:54:43 AM »
P.S. Latest News to Hand on 18 August 2020.

IAA Liaison Officers’ Report:
On the 4th August 2020 the IAA published their proposed new scheme for charges related to UAS / Model Aircraft registration in accordance with new
guidelines from the EASA.

A full copy of the document may be downloaded from:

We have received clarification on the two issues directly affecting MACI.

a)  MACI members will pay the €18 fee on an annual basis regardless of how many models have been registered. For many this will be a saving on the current system.
b) References to Model Aircraft Club are a reference to MACI as one organisation.

Individual clubs who can prove membership of MACI will have no individual charges.

Submission to the IAA: We will make a submission by the deadline of 30th August 2020, if you wish to add some input for the submission then please forward your comments to and we will collate them.

There are more administrative changes from the IAA on the horizon, many are mentioned in the consultation paper and negotiations are due to begin once the Covid crisis allows.
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Flamingo Flier

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Re: Please Read important update regarding IAA
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2020, 11:48:29 AM »
Sorry Ralph, I can't get the link to work nor can I find the document on the website.
I came back from My Leinster last week full of enthusiasm and even ordered a new model (just an RES but the first model I have bought in many years). Then this arrived and spoils the simple fun of it all.


Flamingo Flier

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Re: Please Read important update regarding IAA
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2020, 12:57:33 PM »
 I got in by copying the text into the browser.
As you say, and the document itself makes clear, this is only part of the story and I don't know enough to comment.



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Re: Please Read important update regarding IAA
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2020, 08:48:37 AM »
   the post is to keep members updated with current changes within the registration scheme. I have had a look at it and the big change is not having to pay for individual model registration. Seems fairer, in my opinion.

Thanks for looking

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