Author Topic: Which EDF model for a learner?  (Read 64612 times)

Happy Days

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Which EDF model for a learner?
« Reply #75 on: November 09, 2010, 10:39:26 AM »
What!….you ordered it last Wednesday, and it only left Gatwick last night? :shock:  That’s terrible!
Oh well, you should get it tomorrow then, or else sack the postman.

At least one of the good things is it wont take you long to assemble it. I suppose mine took about 4-5 hours in total. (Although I tend to do a bit, then toddle off and potter around with something else before returning to do a bit more to the model.)

It comprised of two hours fitting it together the way I thought it should go. 10 minutes reading the instructions and twenty minutes of undoing what I’d done wrong. Then an hour re-assembling it. Half an hour sticking the decals on, apart from the name and manufacturer…….If they want me to advertise their products they must pay me for doing so!……(One of my little pet hates don‘t you know. :twisted: ) (Although I have been “advertising” it, haven’t I! :roll: ……..and you’ve brought one Ron…..I’ll send Phase 3 an invoice for ‘Services Rendered.’)

Anyway, I guess I spent another hour fitting the Rx, programming the Tx, checking the control surfaces movements, and running up the motor. That ducted fan don’t half make a breeze,…….be good for blowing fallen leaves off the drive way I recon!

So,…..if the model arrives by, say, 9 o/c tomorrow morning,…….you should have it flying by tea time.
We’ll be expecting a full report by tomorrow evening!!! Ha. :lol:

Ron will you be fitting the VT unit straight away, or wait until you’ve tried it out first and then fit it? :?:
Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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Which EDF model for a learner?
« Reply #76 on: November 09, 2010, 12:39:50 PM »
Yes it's not good.
Last thing I ordered from them it came amazingly quickly.
But then that was by post.
This is by Parcelforce :(
Never had good service from them.
Last delivery by Parcelforce, the chap had been given 57 parcels to deliver in a day.
Even at one delivery every 15 minutes (which is totally impossible around here) that would be 14 hours, and not counting driving from Cork and back (another 2 hours).
You can tell I'm not impressed  :evil:

So I may well contact Sussex Model Centre about it.

This time I may well sit down and read the instructions  :shock:  :shock:
There's always a first time. :lol:

Not sure about fitting the VT unit.
My first inclination is to leave it until later.
But then, when building, it's nice to do the whole thing.

Have a think about that.


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Which EDF model for a learner?
« Reply #77 on: November 09, 2010, 16:12:02 PM »
Didn’t think Parcelforce operated in the Republic,….may be I’m wrong.

Yes Do read the instructions Ron particularly about the fitting of the VT unit. I intend to fit one to mine eventually and I’m glad I read the extra piece in the manual about fitting the VT unit, before I fitted the standard exhaust unit.
You’ll see what I mean when you read it.

As for SMC. I had used them for most of my stuff. Noticed a decided drop off in efficiency last December, so I stopped using them for a while.
So far, since the start of the summer anyway, I’ve found them to be pretty good. They despatched my Squall the same day I ordered it, I received it 4 days later. (With a weekend in between)
But then,…… you do live in the ‘Back of Beyond’ don’t you. :lol:

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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Which EDF model for a learner?
« Reply #78 on: November 09, 2010, 18:38:27 PM »
Hi Keith,

Well no, Parcelforce don't operate here, but they hand over to a 'white van man' who delivers on their behalf.
I used to have all sorts of problems with them when we lived in Cornwall.

Glad you mentioned reading the instructions before fitting the VT unit (or not).
Bit of bed time reading by the sound of it.

Yes I've had very good service from SMC. Just a slight drop-off on the Squall.
And, as you say, I do live in the back of beyond. 8)
West Cork, being 37 minutes in time behind GMT (Local Hour Angle and all that) has it's own time.
And it's a lot slower than 37 minutes :lol:
Actually, most stuff takes a day longer than predicted when coming by courier from the UK.
An Post is very good though. Next day from Dublin, and the 'one before last' from SMC, sent by post, arrived in 2 days.


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Which EDF model for a learner?
« Reply #79 on: November 14, 2010, 09:37:35 AM »
BIG curves are the way to fly this Squall, I recon. :D

Doesn’t matter if they are horizontal or vertical. Full throttle, gently on the stick, making really high loops and very wide turns, with a slow roll during a close-in fly past. 8)
Have to remember to ease off the throttle after a while however, to let the power system cool down before the next roar around the sky.
I have to say it’s a little unnerving bring this, very sharp nosed plane, towards myself at full speed for a close-in pass. :twisted:  I’m thinking, “If that thing hit me in the head it could ruin my entire day!” :(  

Might be time to think about fitting a Vectoring Thrust unit soon. :?: .........

How are you getting on with yours Ron?……still reading the instructions?

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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Which EDF model for a learner?
« Reply #80 on: November 14, 2010, 18:43:53 PM »
Sounds really good Keith.
And after all, big curves are what the full size jets do, so realism rules.

I'm ashamed to say it's only just got past the 'fitting servos' stage.
We had a small panic a couple of days ago when a water pipe started leaking in a big way. Problem was, it was buried in concrete under the tiled kitchen floor.
(who thinks up these ideas anyway :x )
But cutting it off each side of the kitchen, and running a hose around to the other side to link it up again, has restored normal water services - for the time being.
And in case you ask, no I'm not about to take a Kango Hammer to the kitchen floor.

So things aeronautical have taken a back seat for a while.

I did read the instructions, as you recommended - twice.
Well, I fell asleep in front of the fire the first time :roll:
I think I will fit the VT unit straight away.
After all, I've started - so I'll finish  8)


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Which EDF model for a learner?
« Reply #81 on: November 15, 2010, 06:49:02 AM »
Water, Water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink. :shock:

Oh Ron,……when I asked the question how you were getting on with your Squall I was hopping you tell me you were getting on “Swimmingly.” However it seems that such an answer would have been more actual, than metaphorical!
Well I’m sure in your capable hands you’ll find an answer to it all. :wink:
As for Dozing  in front of the fire, that’s my answer to most of life’s problems………“I’ll think about it, ZZZZzzzzzzzz” :roll:

So, you’re going in at the deep end and fitting the VT straight away er? You brave fellow you! :clap:  I’ll look forward to hearing how you get on with it.

Keep us posted!

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.