Author Topic: CNC hotwire foam cutting machine  (Read 24032 times)


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« on: September 05, 2009, 14:05:09 PM »
So here's my new baby :D
No elevator, no ailerons, no rudder. Ok so it doesn't even fly!!

For those interested (that's you Bill)
The table is the Super Spartia design. Build from MDF, Alu tubes, Alu angles, threaded rod, PCB and nuts and bolts.
The card is an Axemotion. They don't make it anymore I don't think. It was the cheapest one around at the time. I would have gotten the famous MM2001 card but I couldn't find one that was complete then, just kits.
The motors are Sanyo Denky.
Software is GMFC

All in it probably cost a little over €200. The cards a bit more these days. I bought mine a few years ago.

I have to say a big thanks to Keith. Keith drilled the cut the MDF carriages and made the rails from the aluminium angles. I just had to assemble it all and wire everything up. Took three or four evenings to get everything working as it should and the same tweaking it. Well I'm still tweaking it really! A few setbacks along the way as usual but not too bad. Not a lot of info about my card which was the main issue.

Bill you asked me if it is worth the time and effort. Yes is the answer for me anyway. To never have to make another template is a wonderful thing and now if I want to cut a wing I set it up in the computer and know that what I will get is right. It makes a lot of designs easy to build. Wings, EPP models, Fuse parts for plugs and lost foam fuselages etc..
It's a very handy tool to have basically and hopefully one that will serve me well for many years.

If someone needs something cut and is not in a big rush than I am happy to do it. I have white foam, hopefully some blue stuff soon as well and am ordering EPP too.

Here one of the first wings I'm working on. It's a wing for the Wazeco. Different profile than the original just to see how it works out.
As you can see I've added a cut for the wing joiner, the servo lead and aileron hinge cutaway. They've now been covered in obechi. The ailerons were glassed on the inside to make them nice and stiff (easy Keith:?). Will add more photos soon.


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 15:20:29 PM »
That looks great Joe   :D  :D. Whats the maximum size wing you can cut on that table?


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2009, 15:51:29 PM »
oops forgot to post the table size!
It's 1200 x 1200. But I can cut lots of panels and join them together to make a bigger wing. The Wazeco wing above is two separate panel but for a different reason.
I went for that size cause 1200 is a standard foam size. Problem with this size or bigger is taper cuts especially on smaller panels.


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2009, 17:03:38 PM »
Quote from: "joe"
The Wazeco wing above is two separate panel but for a different reason.

Is that because in the first panel you made cutouts for the wing joiners and then you join the second panel to the first to make a complete wing?

Happy Days

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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2009, 18:24:20 PM »
Good to see your workshop’s up to it’s usual standard of clutter Joe. :clap:  (Why break the habit of a life time :lol: )

So it’s all finally sorted and working er? I Like the idea of a small channel for the servo wires, :D  surely YOU didn’t think of that,…..Did you? :o  

I think a Mudslide has to be the next order,………….though I want to see how Bill’s performs next weekend. Although you never know, Fred might finish designing that wooden wonder of his one day, :roll:  so that would mean even more work for your CNC.

Oh what joys! :D

Try not to run out of airspeed, altitude and ideas....... all at the same time.


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2009, 18:40:53 PM »
Exactly Alan. The joiner hole is cut on a small block first and then another block is put beside that and the profile, aileron cut and trimming is done all as one cut. I just sit back and scratch my aaaa... arse!

I did start to clean it Keith. Built a new big table for the middle and then got a bit side tracked. Cleaning uses up value building time!

Well no, most wings have some sort of channel for servo wires. Mine are no different : )

You want wings?? Bring it on keith. I can handle it!  :wink:  :wink:


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2009, 19:34:37 PM »
Well this is as far as I got with a cnc foam cutter. basec more on the "Rustica" design as I don't have the space to have a big cutting table permanently set up. Hope to get motors and electronics sorted out this winter.


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Vac Bagging
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2009, 19:12:07 PM »
Joe was asking about Vacuum bagging last weekend, it's the next logical step after cnc cutting.
Below are a couple of pics of my set up. Done for <£100 by watching Ebay for the pump and getting the rest cheap too!

For anyone looking for good simple info have a look at Joe Woodwoker  and their shop

In the UK there is also , although I've never bought from them.

Overview, the reservoir tank is a disposable helium tank from a balloon shop

My pump was bought from Ebay for ~£25

Gauge for vacuum and a vacuum switch from Joewoodworker. This switches the pump on and off rather than continuous running.

The wiring, tubes, transformer etc.


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An "Addition" to the tools
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2009, 17:51:11 PM »
Knocked this up tonight for a little project. It's basically a vertical hot wire to use for rough shaping foam for lost foam fuselages.

Easy enough for Joe with his fancy machine, but this is the way us plebs do it!


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« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2009, 23:15:35 PM »
Well by the time you scan the plan (if that's what your working from) work it into a DXF and then setup the software would probably have your templates made and fuse cut. I think i would still do it this way unless I had the design in the computer already.
If it's not broken!


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2009, 23:18:38 PM »
So talk me through you vac set-up Bill.
I get the meter and the switch so the pump is not running continuously. I guess you have a check valve in there somewhere too. Tell bout the job of the tank if you would?


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2009, 15:32:28 PM »
Hi Joe
That is a fine machine you got there.
Would it be able to cut some parts to make a skua clone? I ask this casue the skua seems to have tapered wings.

If you make a good price I'd like to have one.  8)


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2009, 15:46:20 PM »
Quote from: "joe"
So talk me through you vac set-up Bill.
I get the meter and the switch so the pump is not running continuously. I guess you have a check valve in there somewhere too. Tell bout the job of the tank if you would?

I have a one way valve just before the bag and one just after the pump (Aquarium shops).

My reservoir tank is one of the reuseable helium tanks you can get from Party Balloon shops. Anything which will hold the pressure is fine. Old calor gas cyclinder, fire extinguisher. I've also seen them made from Plastic pipe with end caps and then drilled and tapped for fittings
This is a downloadable plan for a vacuum pump and explains most things

Page of info incl. video on building a pump


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2009, 19:45:40 PM »
Hey Nando.
Sorry for the delayed reply. Generally tapered wings are not a problem. Big tapers and/or small tips can be a problem. A Skua would be fairly straight forward. I can cut you one but, will take a while as I'm waiting on some EPP and will be out of the county for November.
Do you know what Profiles used?? The Skua uses two different profiles by the looks of it. I'm sure we could get something that works pretty well.


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CNC hotwire foam cutting machine
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2009, 23:10:49 PM »
Hey no worries!

Well I have no idea to be honest.
Sometime ago when I discovered the skua I tried and find the profiles, but I never got a proper answer.
I remember I found someone talking about that but when I looked for the profile I couldn't find it's values. I think it was SK-1!?!?
Looks something made up...