Afternoon all, :wink:
Just home after an afternoon up in lacken it was great to meet a few guys i had never met before out soaring......
But it did get me thinking..... :?: my self and pavel were up on the hill above the carpark and a few others pulled up and got their gliders up and away fergal was one of them (who was a very nice guy came up and introduced himself to me which was great) lucky enough we were all were all separated fairly well on frequencies and myself and fergal got chatting bout the whole issue of frequency control.......
I know lacken is an open flying site not just for R/C but for hang/para gliders too.....
does anyone else think it would be a good idea for everyone who frequents sorell hill to make their frequency known so as to avoid a possible disaster.... :cry:
Just an idea i had but i would make sense....
Anyone got any input on this one...
Regards Paddy D