Ok, ok, I can hear Joe from here... "Not again!!!"
Well, yes, again, and again, and again !! \
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The problem with Retroplane, well, after the morning headaches, is that you always leave with a bunch of projects you always wish you've never agreed to (well, almost...)
I now have 3 new gliders that I need to find (big) space for in the garage !
First one, is a 1/4 scale ASH25 Fuselage, a bit of work this winter to have the wings done (by the way, that's 7mtrs of wings...) and a 4mtrs ASW15, my new sunday flyer
And finally, on Staurday morning, I left with this...
The white one...
Just one number... 12 Kgs Soon to be at the slope for the maiden voyage !
Just don't tell the wife, as far as she is concerned, I had all this in a box in the garage for a long time, and finally decided to get them ready...
I'll keep you posted with the progresses...
And you, what's new in the workshop ? :?: