Hi all,
Having never worked with foam before I have decided to have a go at making a foam 1.6m Quark as per Freds plan. Two unsuccessful attempts with an assistant at wing cutting in one go I decided to try it in two stages.I started by cutting blocks of foam 5mm all round bigger than wing size I soldered wires to the templates(in the pic the wire is broken off the back of the root template, I caught it in my jumper). I double sided taped the templates to the block ends (checking allignment) and with an assistant managed to cut 2 opposite and useable wings in two passes per wing of the hot wire. They needed a little sanding to remove lines caused by slow wire speed at the wingtips. Cutting wings this way requires a little sanding of the leading edge ( you can see the waste that needs removing on the leading edge in pic.) and cutting a sliver of foam from trailing edge using a knife and steel rule.
The small wing below the foam is a test piece which has the same profile as the quark wing. After it was cut I rolled it with a coat of PVA glue, allowed it to set off somewhat I then glued out craft paper using the same glue and roller and covered the wing top and immediately after covered the bottom and then weighted it down to dry. The result is a good stiff wing which hardly requires a spar although I will fit one.
Paper finish is difficult to paint so I will most likely be taping also.